encounters with southeast asian modernism in docomomo journal
Sally Below, Moritz Henning, Christian Hiller and Eduard Kögel reflect on Encounters with Southeast Asian Modernism in docomomo journal 63, "Tropical architecture in the Modern Diaspora".

housing modernities: architecture doesn’t matter – interview with tay kheng soon, singapore
Puay-peng Ho and Eduard Kögel met Tay Kheng Soon, one of the most prominent architects, planners, and critics of Singapore’s urban development, for an interview.

housing modernities: architecture tour, singapore, 29 november 2019
The architecture tour on 29 November took the project team to four stations that address different aspects of housing in Singapore.

housing modernities: exhibition, ura singapore, 29 november to 15 december 2019
The SEAM Space exhibition in Singapore addressed the topic of housing in the early years after independence.

housing modernities: greeting by the german ambassador, singapore, 28 november 2019
The German Ambassador to Singapore, Dr. Ulrich A. Sante, gave a wonderful greeting at the opening of the exhibition "Housing Modernities". Read it here!

housing modernities: exhibition opening, singapore, 28 november 2019
The SEAM Space exhibition “Housing Modernities” was officially opened at URA Urban Redevelopment Authority in Singapore on 28 November 2019.

interview with the myanmar architect u shwe
In many of his projects, U Shwe combined Japanese simplicity with the formal canon of traditional Myanmar architecture.

interview with the myanmar artist nay myo say
Nay Myo Say is considered a representative of the “third wave” of young Burmese painters, whose work was not considered an angry rebellion, but more a celebration of opportunity.