Congratulations! Indonesian Institute of Architects (IAI) Jakarta Chapter Awards 2020 for Occupying > Modernism!
We have learned that the exhibition Occupying > Modernism presented by Avianti Armand and Setiadi Sopandi with Rifandi S Nugroho as part of Encounters with Southeast Asian Modernism in Jakarta in October and November 2019, has been awarded the Indonesian Institute of Architects (IAI) Jakarta Chapter Awards 2020 for best exhibition. We are delighted that our colleagues in Jakarta received this award.
Occupying > Modernism is a reflection on how Indonesians have rendered the spaces of modern architecture. The curators invited people from the fields of art, literature, and design to explore modernist buildings in Jakarta, comment on them artistically, and reinterpret them from a socio-political perspective. Many thanks for this to Goenawan Mohamad, Hikmat Darmawan, Cecil Mariani, and Alvin Tjitrowirjo!
The documentation of the exhibition you can find here.
In September 2021, a revised version of Occupying > Modernism will be on view as part of the exhibition “Contested Modernities – Postcolonial Architecture in Southeast Asia” in Berlin.