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Press Releases
Contested Modernities
Postcolonial Architecture in Southeast Asia
Announcement of the Exhibition taking place at Haus der Statistik from 10 September to 24 October 2021
In 2019 five curatorial teams in in Phnom Penh, Jakarta, Yangon, and Singapore dealt in different ways with the significance of local architectural modernism with exhibitions and events. The exhibition brings the discourse on Southeast Asian modernism to Berlin, where astonishingly similar discussions are currently being held about the architectural heritage of modernism. These contributions are supplemented by a look at the role of the two German states in the modernisation process of Southeast Asia during the Cold War.
Contested Modernities
Postcolonial Architecture in Southeast Asia
Announcement of the Online Symposium The Present of Modernity on 11 June 2021
Contested_Modernities_Press_May 2021
Contested_Modernities_Presse_Mai 2021
Contested Modernities
Postcolonial Architecture in Southeast Asia
Discourse programme, exhibition, ARCH+ issue
Starting on 16 April 2021
Contested Modernities brings current positions on Southeast Asian modernism into an international dialogue and opens up new perspectives on the history, meaning, and future of modernism in the region and beyond – with an exhibition, online events, and a publication, revealing surprisingly similar discussions that are currently being held about the architectural heritage of modernism.
Contested_Modernities_Press_April 2021
Contested_Modernities_Presse_April 2021
SEAM Spaces
Press Release October 2019
After the successful kick-off symposium on 30 August 2019 in Berlin, SEAM Spaces in Southeast Asia are now starting: The first SEAM Space will be held in Phnom Penh, Cambodia from 10 October to 3 November under the title “Folding Concrete”. SEAM Spaces will follow in Jakarta, Yangon and Singapore.
Project Kick-off and Symposium
Press Release August 2019
Encounters with Southeast Asian Modernism sheds light on the history, significance and future of modernism in selected cities of Southeast Asia in the context of the Bauhaus centenary 2019. With partners in Jakarta, Phnom Penh, Singapore and Yangon, Encounters explores in the course of a symposium the impact of modernism at the crossroads between early globalisation, local conditions, and the search for an own identity, starting with the period of upheaval that accompanied the transition to independence after colonial times.
Download the Press Release
Download the Symposium Programme