learning from mangunwijaya
documentary movie first screening
28 december 2024
On 28 december 2024, our documentary movie about the work of Yusuf Bilyarta Mangunwijaya was shown for the first time.
dipl.-ing. arsitek I berlin
global architectural history – an exclusive narrative
5 december 2024
In our third talk, "Global architectural history – an exclusive narrative", we explored ways to broaden architectural discourse with our guest speakers.
dipl.-ing. arsitek I berlin
the question of materials
27 november 2024
In our second discussion, we asked participants from Germany, India and Indonesia what role materials play in forward-looking architecture.
dipl.-ing. arsitek I berlin
strategies for collecting and presenting
22 november 2024
In our first talk, we discussed strategies for collecting and presenting architectural work, with participants from both Indonesia and Germany.
dipl.-ing. arsitek I berlin
21 november to 18 december 2024
"Dipl.-Ing. Arsitek: An Indonesian-German Architectural History" focused on the life and work of eight architects of Indonesian origin, who graduated in West Germany between 1960 and 1966.
dipl.-ing. arsitek I berlin
exhibition opening
20 november 2024
After months of preparation, our exhibition "Dipl.-Ing. Arsitek: An Indonesian-German Architectural History" was officially opened on 20 November 2024.
learning from mangunwijaya
beyond mangunwijaya – materials and community in architecture
symposium recording
9 october 2024
At this symposium, six speakers from China, Germany, Indonesia, Singapore, and Thailand, reported on their work on locally and socially oriented architecture.
learning from mangunwijaya
exhibition, universitas islam indonesia
29 august to 19 september 2024
On 29 August 2024, the exhibition "Learning from Mangunwijaya" opened at it's second location, the library of the Universitas Islam Indonesia.
learning from mangunwijaya
exhibition, langgeng art foundation
31 july to 18 august 2024
The exhibition "Learning from Mangunwijaya" at Langgeng Art Foundation in Yogyakarta, Indonesia, showcased the work results of 51 students from five countries.
learning from mangunwijaya
exhibition opening
31 july 2024
On 31 July 2024, the exhibition "Learning from Mangunwijaya" opened at Langgeng Art Foundation in Yogyakarta.
learning from mangunwijaya
workshop programme
21 july to 31 july 2024
The workshop programme kicked off with a welcome reception on 21 July 2024. Over 50 students from seven universities in five countries took part.
learning from mangunwijaya
wastu citra. a reflection of architecture
lecture recording
21 june 2024
On 21 Jun 2024, Dr. Revianto B. Santosa, M. Arch., Universitas Islam Indonesia, gave give a deep insight into Wastu Citra, Yusuf Bilyarta Mangunwijaya's best-known architectural book.
learning from mangunwijaya
community engagement in architectural design
lecture recording
14 june 2024
In his lecture, Yuli Kusworo, Director of Arkom Indonesia, connected Yusuf Biljarta Mangunwijaya's approach to contemporary challenges and methods.
learning from mangunwijaya
architecture and creative process of yusuf bilyarta mangunwijaya
lecture recording
31 may 2024
In his talk, Wiryono Raharjo, M. Arch, Ph.D., Universitas Islam Indonesia, gave a deep insight into the architecture and creative process of Yusuf Bilyarta Mangunwijaya.
learning from mangunwijaya
mangunwijaya in germany
lecture recording
10 may 2024
Eduard Kögel, critic, publisher, content manager, and curator, gave a deep insight into Yusuf Bilyarta Mangunwijaya’s educational background.
learning from mangunwijaya
the life of mangunwijaya
lecture recording
3 may 2024
Sergius Sutanto, author and filmmaker, introduced us to the life of the Indonesian priest, writer, political activist, and architect Yusuf Bilyarta Mangunwijaya.
dipl.-ing. arsitek
video documentation
On 12 December 2022, the exhibition "Dipl.-Ing. Arsitek. German-trained Indonesian Architects from the 1960s" opened its doors at Taman Ismail Marzuki in Jakarta.
dipl.-ing. arsitek
jan beng oei and herianto sulindro in the media
Three articles pay tribute for the first time to the lives and work of Indonesian-born architects Jan Beng Oei and Herianto Sulindro.
dipl.-ing. arsitek
four lectures by indonesian architects
A selection of lectures by Han Awal, Yusuf Bilyarta Mangunwijaya, and Suwondo Bismo Sutedjo are now available in English.
dipl.-ing. arsitek
book launch
1 february 2023
On 1 February 2023 we were able to present the accompanying publication to the exhibition at the Goethe-Institut Jakarta. What a wonderful conclusion of the project!
dipl.-ing. arsitek
focus group discussion: towards an indonesian architecture museum
12 january 2023
In conjunction with the exhibition Dipl.-Ing. Arsitek, the Yayasan Museum Arsitektur Indonesia (YMAI) organised a panel discussion titled "Towards an Indonesian Architecture Museum".
dipl.-ing. arsitek
exhibition documentation
More than 20,000 visitors came to see the exhibition in Jakarta. Here are a few photos for those who couldn't attend.
dipl.-ing. arsitek
publication out now!
Dipl.-Ing. Arsitek: German-trained Indonesian Architects from the 1960s provides multifaceted insights into a little-known aspect of German-Indonesian relations.
dipl.-ing. arsitek
narratives, archives, and knowledge transfer – making history accessible
online symposium
15 december 2022
At the second online symposium of Dipl.-Ing. Arsitek, speakers from Indonesia and Germany discussed how to make history accessible.
dipl.-ing. arsitek
new forms of design, construction and material cultures
online symposium
1 december 2022
At the first online symposium of Dipl.-Ing. Arsitek, we discussed which design strategies we need for a more sustainable future.
dipl.-ing. arsitek
exhibition opening
12 December 2022
On 12 December 2022, we finally opened the exhibition Dipl.-Ing. Arsitek at Taman Ismail Marzuki in Jakarta!
dipl.-ing. arsitek
greeting by the german ambassador ina lepel
12 december 2022
The German Ambassador to Jakarta, Ina Lepel, gave a wonderful greeting at the opening of the exhibition "Dipl.-Ing. Arsitek". Read it here!
contested modernities
the decolonization of education
online symposium
12 november 2021
Our fourth online symposium discussed what formats are needed to facilitate new and critical perspectives in education – in Southeast Asia and beyond.
contested modernities
exhibition documentation
From 10 September to 24 October 2021, contributions from Jakarta, Phnom Penh, Singapore, Yangon, and Germany where shown at the Haus der Statistik in Berlin.
contested modernities
house without walls
oswald nagler in rangoon
The American architect Oswald Nagler came to Myanmar (then Burma) in 1957. The house he designed for himself in Rangoon can still serve as a model for responsible architecture.
contested modernities
the future of modernity
online symposium
17 september 2021
Our third online symposium focused on conservation strategies being discussed in Germany and Southeast Asia.
contested modernities
exhibition opening
video documentation
On 10 September 2021, the exhibition Contested Modernities. Postcolonial Architecture in Southeast Asia opened its doors at Haus der Statistik in Berlin.
contested modernities
exhibition opening
10 september 2021
After we had to postpone the exhibition several times, we were finally able to invite to the opening. It was a wonderful evening!
contested modernities
the present of modernity
online symposium
11 june 2021
In lectures, videos, and discussions the event explored how to bring modernist buildings into the future and what considerations can be helpful in this process.
contested modernities
gelora bung karno – from a heritage sports complex to a modern public park
With this video for Contested Modernities, d-associates reflect on the process of the Gelora Bung Karno Sports Complex renovation.
contested modernities
stop architectural deforestation!
The discussion of heritage conservation has to move towards a more holistic view that includes an ethical discourse of environmental and social sustainability.
arch+ 243: contested modernities – postcolonial architecture and the construction of identities in southeast asia
Using examples from Cambodia, Indonesia, Myanmar, and Singapore, ARCH+ 243 Contested Modernities discusses society's struggle for a postcolonial future.
contested modernities
building modernities and launch of arch+ 243
online symposium, 16 april 2021
The first event explored how modernities were build through transnational collaborations, and presented issue 243 of ARCH+ on Contested Modernities.
encounters with southeast asian modernism in docomomo journal
Sally Below, Moritz Henning, Christian Hiller and Eduard Kögel reflect on Encounters with Southeast Asian Modernism in docomomo journal 63, "Tropical architecture in the Modern Diaspora".
housing modernities: architecture doesn’t matter – interview with tay kheng soon, singapore
Puay-peng Ho and Eduard Kögel met Tay Kheng Soon, one of the most prominent architects, planners, and critics of Singapore’s urban development, for an interview.
housing modernities: conference, ntu cca, singapore, 30 november 2019
At the closing event for "Encounters with South East Asian Modernism" in 2019, the issue of housing in Singapore was discussed, and the experiences with the SEAM spaces in Phnom Penh ect..
housing modernities: architecture tour, singapore, 29 november 2019
The architecture tour on 29 November took the project team to four stations that address different aspects of housing in Singapore.
housing modernities: exhibition, ura singapore, 29 november to 15 december 2019
The SEAM Space exhibition in Singapore addressed the topic of housing in the early years after independence.
housing modernities: greeting by the german ambassador, singapore, 28 november 2019
The German Ambassador to Singapore, Dr. Ulrich A. Sante, gave a wonderful greeting at the opening of the exhibition "Housing Modernities". Read it here!
housing modernities: exhibition opening, singapore, 28 november 2019
The SEAM Space exhibition “Housing Modernities” was officially opened at URA Urban Redevelopment Authority in Singapore on 28 November 2019.
interview with the myanmar architect u shwe
In many of his projects, U Shwe combined Japanese simplicity with the formal canon of traditional Myanmar architecture.
interview with the myanmar artist nay myo say
Nay Myo Say is considered a representative of the “third wave” of young Burmese painters, whose work was not considered an angry rebellion, but more a celebration of opportunity.
interview with the myanmar architect u maw lin
The founder of Living Design Architects shares his view on how modernism developed in Myanmar
interview with the myanmar artist u win pe
U Win Pe is considered among the first artists to bring modernism and abstract expressionism to Myanmar.
interview with the myanmar architect u sun oo
The architect U Sun Oo names the development of a specifically Myanmar architecture as an important task for the future.
synthesis of myanmar modernity: interviews with five architects and artists – interview compilation
For Synthesis of Myanmar Modernity, five architects and artists were invited to share their view on Modernism. Watch the interview compilation here!
synthesis of myanmar modernity: feature film
Documentary filmmaker Christopher Chan Nyein produced a short image film on the programme of "Synthesis of Myanmar Modernity".
synthesis of myanmar modernity: architecture tour, yangon, 22 november 2019
The exciting tour on 22 November highlighted the development of modern architecture in Yangon with selected exemplary buildings.
synthesis of myanmar modernity: lecture day, yangon, 21 november 2019
The public lecture day at the Goethe Institute Myanmar discussed the development of modern architecture in Yangon and it’s connection to the arts.
synthesis of myanmar modernity: exhibition, yangon, 20 to 24 november 2019
Curators Pwint and Win Thant Win Shwin worked closely with filmmaker Kriz Chan Nyein and the Berlin team to create “Synthesis of Myanmar Modernity”.
synthesis of myanmar modernity: exhibition opening, yangon, 20 november 2019
More than 150 guests attended the opening of the exhibition "Synthesis of Myanmar Modernity" at Goethe-Institut Myanmar in Yangon on 20 November.
occupying modernism: discussion on product design, jakarta, 15 november 2019
On the final day of the exhibition Setiadi Sopandi, Avianti Armand, and Alvin Tjitrowirjo, critically Discussion on modern product design in Indonesia.
occupying modernism: movie screening, jakarta, 10 november 2019
With the screening of the famous movie Tiga Dara (Three Maidens) from 1957, a breath of romance was brought to the Occupying Modernism exhibition
occupying modernism: spontaneous design challenge, jakarta, 9 november 2019
The Occupying Modernism team challenged the participants’ creativity in creating solution-based designs within a limited time.
occupying modernism: chapsa competition, jakarta, 6 november 2019
The Chapsa card game was brought to the SEAM Space Jakarta, in order to escape the trap of modernity.
occupying modernism: architectural tour, jakarta, 26 october 2019
The guided walking tour “Our Modern Spaces as Political Communication” explored lighthouse projects of postcolonial modernism in Jakarta.
occupying modernism: architecture offices tour, jakarta, 25 october 2019
Together with local experts, the project team took a tour exploring contemporary architecture practice in Jakarta on 25 October.
occupying modernism: exhibition, jakarta, 25 october to 15 november 2019
Curators Avianti Armand and Setiadi Sopandi teamed up with Rifandi S. Nugroho for “Occupying Modernism: Impressions on Indonesian Modernist Spaces”.
occupying modernism: disclosing our modern spaces” – talk, jakarta, 24 october 2019
Prior to the opening of the “Occupying Modernism” exhibition, the curators organized a panel discussion entitled “Disclosing Our Modern Spaces”.
occupying modernism: exhibition opening, jakarta, 24 october 2019
The exhibition “Occupying Modernism: Impressions on Indonesian Modernist Spaces” at Kopi Manyar was officially opened on 24 October.
visualization of the national history: the podcasts, jakarta
The participants of Grace Samboh's workshop programme at Gudskul "Visualization of the National History: From, by and for whom?” produced podcasts on six dioramas at the National Monument.
visualization of the national history: seminar, jakarta, 23 october 2019
Grace Samboh, Lyno Vuth and Christian Hiller contributed with lectures to the seminar titled "(Re)Producing Fear and Joy: From, by and for whom?".
visualization of the national history: taman mini indonesia indah tour, 22 october 2019
Together with the curators and students of "Visualization of the National History: From, by and for whom?”, the project team went on an excursion to Taman Mini Indonesia Indah.
visualization of the national history: archive exhibition, jakarta, 5 to 26 october 2019
The archive exhibition “Visualization of the National History: From, by and for whom?” provides a spatial anchor for a seminar, workshop and excursion programme.
folding concrete: catalogue published!
The catalogue of Folding Concrete, the programme held in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, is availabe now for download and at Sa Sa Art Projects in Phnom Penh.
folding concrete: talk, dambaul, phnom penh, 2 november 2019
The varied public programme of the SEAM Space Phnom Penh was concluded on 2 November with the talk “Exhibiting the Contested Modern in Post-independence Cambodia” by Vuth Lyno.
folding concrete, film screenings, phnom penh, 19 & 28 october 2019
As part of the SEAM Space Phnom Penh public programme, two special film screenings on the topic of “Modernism in Cambodia” took place at the Bophana Audiovisual Resource Center on 19 and 28 October.
folding concrete: visit by the german ambassador, phnom penh, 16 october 2019
On 16 October, we had the great honour of welcoming the Ambassador of the German Embassy in Phnom Penh, Mr. Christian Berger, to the SEAM Space Phnom Penh.
folding concrete: architectural lab, phnom penh, october – december 2019
The Architectural Lab was a two-month research project focusing on archiving modernist architecture in Phnom Penh, documenting Cambodia’s modernist architectural heritage online.
folding concrete: architecture tour, phnom penh, 13 october 2019
On Sunday morning, the project team together with interested attendees went on a guided tour to some exciting examples of Phnom Penh's architecture.
folding concrete: lectures, phnom penh, 12 october 2019
Lectures on Phnom Penh’s urban changes since its early beginnings and the Cambodian architect Lu Ban Hap drew an engaged audience.
folding concrete: exhibition, phnom penh, 10 october – 3 november 2019
The exhibition "Folding Concrete" is the heart of the SEAM Space in Phnom Penh. Carefully arranged, the individual exhibits open up an exciting dialogue with each other.
folding concrete: exhibition opening, phnom penh, 10 october 2019
The first of the four SEAM Spaces opened its doors in Phnom Penh, Cambodia on 10 October. About 150 guests followed the invitation to see "Folding Concrete" that Thursday evening.
kick-off symposium in berlin: video documentation, 30 august 2019
Nine impressive presentations were given at the kick-off symposium of Encounters with Southeast Asian Modernism in Berlin. See all contributions, and the closing discussion here.
exploratory tour berlin and dessau, 31 august to 3 september
Following the symposium on Friday, the curators from Jakarta, Phnom Penh, Singapore, and Yangon went on a four-day exploratory tour together with the team from Berlin.
kick-off symposium in berlin, 30 august 2019
As a prelude to the project, the symposium brought together international curators and experts to explore the history and presence of modernism in Southeast Asia in four select cities.
time for kick-off!
After many months of researching, planning, networking, and organizing, Encounters with Southeast Asian Modernism will now officially be kicked-off.