time for


Here we go!
See you all in Berlin!

After many months of researching, planning, networking, and organizing, Encounters with Southeast Asian Modernism will now officially be kicked-off.

A huge amount of suggestions, ideas, positions, and, last but not least, people, have come together in the last months and we are now looking forward to many interesting exhibitions, discussions, lectures and talks in Berlin, and the SEAM Spaces in Phnom Penh, Jakarta, Yangon and Singapore! Further details will be announced soon here, on Facebook and on Instagram.

The project will now start with a trip to Germany, and, as a public prelude, a symposium. Curators from all participating countries will be meeting in Berlin to present Encounters in a public symposium, exchange ideas in an internal workshop, and explore modernist architectural heritage in Germany in Berlin and Dessau. Two partners from each participating country will be on site to give an insight into the modernism of their respective countries and to outline the current architectural discourse.

You can find the programme here.

Sally, Moritz, Christian, and Eduard